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Showing posts from October, 2017


To establish effective communication Tense is very important. It is one aspect of English grammar which is categorized into Present, Past and Future in connection with a situation. Today we look at the type of Present Tense with its sentence structure. 1. Simple Present tense a. Subject + V1 + Object (Positive) b. Subject+ Do/Does not + V1+Object (Negative) c. Do/Does + Subject + V1 + Object ?(Interrogative) Example: I want to play cricket. He does not want to play. Do you want to play cricket? . 2. Present Continuous Tense a. Subject + Is/Am/Are + V1ing + Object (Positive) b. Subject + Is/Am/Are + Not + V1ing (Negative) c. Is/Am/Are + Subject + V1ing + Object? (Interrogative) Example: Boys are playing cricket. They are not playing cricket. Are you going to play cricket? . 3. Present Perfect Continuous Tense a. Subject + has/have been + V1ing + Object + For/Since + Time reference (Positive) b. Subject + has/have –not been + V1ing + Object + For/Since + Time reference (Negetiv
English language is accepted throughout the business world. It may be challenging to learn at first but once spoken without hesitation your fluency will demonstrate a level of intelligence to others. Helpful tips to improve your English. Don’t get nerves while speak.  Practice every day. Surround yourself in English. Try to use English whenever you can. Read Newspaper watch TV. Debate or discuss topics in a group. Review