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To establish effective communication Tense is very important. It is one aspect of English grammar which is categorized into Present, Past and Future in connection with a situation. Today we look at the type of Present Tense with its sentence structure. 1. Simple Present tense a. Subject + V1 + Object (Positive) b. Subject+ Do/Does not + V1+Object (Negative) c. Do/Does + Subject + V1 + Object ?(Interrogative) Example: I want to play cricket. He does not want to play. Do you want to play cricket? . 2. Present Continuous Tense a. Subject + Is/Am/Are + V1ing + Object (Positive) b. Subject + Is/Am/Are + Not + V1ing (Negative) c. Is/Am/Are + Subject + V1ing + Object? (Interrogative) Example: Boys are playing cricket. They are not playing cricket. Are you going to play cricket? . 3. Present Perfect Continuous Tense a. Subject + has/have been + V1ing + Object + For/Since + Time reference (Positive) b. Subject + has/have –not been + V1ing + Object + For/Since + Time reference (Negetiv
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English language is accepted throughout the business world. It may be challenging to learn at first but once spoken without hesitation your fluency will demonstrate a level of intelligence to others. Helpful tips to improve your English. Don’t get nerves while speak.  Practice every day. Surround yourself in English. Try to use English whenever you can. Read Newspaper watch TV. Debate or discuss topics in a group. Review


Shyam: "Hey Sanjeev. What have you been up to?" Sanjeev: "Nothing really." Shyam: "How about your work?" Sanjeev: "It's so boring there. I really wish I had a different job." Shyam: "Is it really that bad?" Sanjeev: "Yeah. Most of the time, I have nothing to do. But whenever I have something to do, it's boring work because it is the same old thing." Shyam: "Why don't you find a different job then?" Sanjeev: "Maybe I should, anyway what's your plan for tonight? Shyam: "I don't have any plans. Are you doing anything special?" Sanjeev: "Well, I am getting bored; let's plan on meeting up tonight." Shyam: "That sounds like a good idea. Should we invite Rajeev?" Sanjeev: "He's a little boring." Shyam: "What do you mean?" Sanjeev: "Well, he doesn't drink, play video games or really anything. The only thing he talks abo


RAJU: Hi Shyam, what’s going on? SHYAM: Hello Raju. Don't you know that today we are celebrating Independence Day? RAJU: Yes, I know that. It's very mean that they are not giving holiday today. Why are they wasting our time in celebrating this day? SHYAM: No, it's not at all mean. But they are trying to build patriotism in our students for knowing the value of our country's independence. Do you ever wish to become a slave for a nation? RAJU:  No, I will never be a slave to anyone. Instead I will resist the people who want me to become as a slave. SHYAM: During British rule in our country we were treated badly than slaves. We must thank to our freedom fighters, if they would not fight, we would be as their till now. RAJU: You're right. Now I understood the importance of Independence Day. I will never forget their sacrifice for us. They inspire us a lot. SHYAM: Yes Let's participate in our school Independence Day celebrations. RAJU: Let's go fast.


ROHAN: Hey AMAN, how are you? AMAN: Fine, what about you? ROHAN: I am also fine. So what are you doing this weekend? AMAN: Nothing, no plan yet. What are you doing? ROHAN: I haven’t given it much thought but if the weather stays nice then I may go to the botanical garden. Would you be interested in joining me? AMAN: What a perfect idea to enjoy this weekend, I also heard about the musical evening in botanical garden which will be hosted by DJ Krish during this weekend. ROHAN: Yes; I knew the festival would be there and was looking forward to going to it. AMAN: I think I would enjoy that a lot. I am really looking forward to Saturday. So when would you be leaving? ROHAN: I thought that we could leave around 4 on Saturday evening. AMAN: Great; that would get us there with time to look around. I am so glad we talked. Thanks for asking me to go. ROHAN: Mention not. Well then, I’ll see you on Saturday.


(When we go for marketing we usually talk about price product and related talk only. here you will get to learn some commonly use sentence) RAJU:  I am going for marketing. Would you like to come? SANJU: Yeah sure. In fact I was just thinking of it. RAJU: Great; let’s go then! SANJU:  What is the cost of potato? VENDOR: It is Rs.30 per KG. SANJU: Give me 2kg RAJU: Shall we buy some carrot? SANJU: It is not nice. RAJU: Then buy some cabbage. SANJU: Ok. . How much does cabbage cost? VENDOR: It is Rs.15 for each. SANJU: Give me 2. RAJU: I just forget to say, tomato has finished so buy some tomato as well. SANJU: Where is it? RAJU: Over there and I can see fresh peas too.  Why don’t you buy peas? SANJU: Go and buy half a kg of tomato only. Peas not required now. RAJU: OK. 


(When we go office, we get so much to say to our colleague regarding working situation, personal matter professional talks and many more. here you will get some common talk that we use in office with our colleague.) MANOJ: Hello friends, Good Morning RAJEEV: Good Morning, How are you? MANOJ: Fine, has boss came or what? I got little late due to missed my bus. RAJEEV: Yes he reached early today. MANOJ: Was he asking for me? RAJEEV: Yes he was. He asked me to tell you to meet him once you reached. MANOJ: Oh… alright then, I have to go… see you later, SANJU: Do you have a lot of work?   (to RAJEEV) RAJEEV: Yeah, I am pretty busy. Why? SANJU: Oh. I needed some help on documenting this process because the manager wants it by Friday. RAJEEV: I'll try to free up my schedule but it would be great if you ask Manoj to do this. SANJU: What did you spend all your time on today?   (to MANOJ) MANOJ: Checking the annual report. I discovered several errors in it.