(When we go office, we get so much to say to our colleague regarding working situation, personal matter professional talks and many more. here you will get some common talk that we use in office with our colleague.)
MANOJ: Hello friends, Good Morning
MANOJ: Hello friends, Good Morning
RAJEEV: Good Morning, How
are you?
MANOJ: Fine, has boss came
or what? I got little late due to missed my bus.
RAJEEV: Yes he reached early
MANOJ: Was he asking for me?
RAJEEV: Yes he was. He asked
me to tell you to meet him once you reached.
MANOJ: Oh… alright then, I
have to go… see you later,
SANJU: Do you have a lot of work? (to RAJEEV)
RAJEEV: Yeah, I am pretty
busy. Why?
SANJU: Oh. I needed some help on documenting this
process because the manager wants it by Friday.
I'll try to free up my schedule but it would be great if you ask Manoj to do
What did you spend all your time on today?
(to MANOJ)
Checking the annual report. I discovered several errors in it. The executive
secretary has to short this out.
RAJEEV: Ok fine, I will take care of it don’t worry.
You remind me again tomorrow morning, and I'll help you in the afternoon.
No problem, Thanks.
RAJEEV: Hello, are you new
here?? (To new joined employee)
KAMAL: Yeah, I just started
yesterday.. in planning team.
RAJEEV: Welcome to OZONE
LTD. I am Rajeev.
KAMAL: I am kamal, nice to
meet you.
RAJEEV: What are you going
to be working on?
KAMAL: I am going to work on
the planning team but I haven’t started yet. I am still in training.
RAJEEV: Planning team is great;
our marketing team works with them closely. We will end up working together
some time.
KAMAL: That’s great, can I
ask you something?
RAJEEV: Yeah sure.
KAMAL: Does this company
have a casual Friday?
RAJEEV: Not really, you can
get away from the wearing slacks but I’ve never seen anyone wear jeans.
KAMAL: That’s all right,
Thanks for the info.
RAJEEV: No problem, if you
need anything, I sit right around the corner here.
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