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Showing posts from August, 2017


Shyam: "Hey Sanjeev. What have you been up to?" Sanjeev: "Nothing really." Shyam: "How about your work?" Sanjeev: "It's so boring there. I really wish I had a different job." Shyam: "Is it really that bad?" Sanjeev: "Yeah. Most of the time, I have nothing to do. But whenever I have something to do, it's boring work because it is the same old thing." Shyam: "Why don't you find a different job then?" Sanjeev: "Maybe I should, anyway what's your plan for tonight? Shyam: "I don't have any plans. Are you doing anything special?" Sanjeev: "Well, I am getting bored; let's plan on meeting up tonight." Shyam: "That sounds like a good idea. Should we invite Rajeev?" Sanjeev: "He's a little boring." Shyam: "What do you mean?" Sanjeev: "Well, he doesn't drink, play video games or really anything. The only thing he talks abo


RAJU: Hi Shyam, what’s going on? SHYAM: Hello Raju. Don't you know that today we are celebrating Independence Day? RAJU: Yes, I know that. It's very mean that they are not giving holiday today. Why are they wasting our time in celebrating this day? SHYAM: No, it's not at all mean. But they are trying to build patriotism in our students for knowing the value of our country's independence. Do you ever wish to become a slave for a nation? RAJU:  No, I will never be a slave to anyone. Instead I will resist the people who want me to become as a slave. SHYAM: During British rule in our country we were treated badly than slaves. We must thank to our freedom fighters, if they would not fight, we would be as their till now. RAJU: You're right. Now I understood the importance of Independence Day. I will never forget their sacrifice for us. They inspire us a lot. SHYAM: Yes Let's participate in our school Independence Day celebrations. RAJU: Let's go fast.


ROHAN: Hey AMAN, how are you? AMAN: Fine, what about you? ROHAN: I am also fine. So what are you doing this weekend? AMAN: Nothing, no plan yet. What are you doing? ROHAN: I haven’t given it much thought but if the weather stays nice then I may go to the botanical garden. Would you be interested in joining me? AMAN: What a perfect idea to enjoy this weekend, I also heard about the musical evening in botanical garden which will be hosted by DJ Krish during this weekend. ROHAN: Yes; I knew the festival would be there and was looking forward to going to it. AMAN: I think I would enjoy that a lot. I am really looking forward to Saturday. So when would you be leaving? ROHAN: I thought that we could leave around 4 on Saturday evening. AMAN: Great; that would get us there with time to look around. I am so glad we talked. Thanks for asking me to go. ROHAN: Mention not. Well then, I’ll see you on Saturday.


(When we go for marketing we usually talk about price product and related talk only. here you will get to learn some commonly use sentence) RAJU:  I am going for marketing. Would you like to come? SANJU: Yeah sure. In fact I was just thinking of it. RAJU: Great; let’s go then! SANJU:  What is the cost of potato? VENDOR: It is Rs.30 per KG. SANJU: Give me 2kg RAJU: Shall we buy some carrot? SANJU: It is not nice. RAJU: Then buy some cabbage. SANJU: Ok. . How much does cabbage cost? VENDOR: It is Rs.15 for each. SANJU: Give me 2. RAJU: I just forget to say, tomato has finished so buy some tomato as well. SANJU: Where is it? RAJU: Over there and I can see fresh peas too.  Why don’t you buy peas? SANJU: Go and buy half a kg of tomato only. Peas not required now. RAJU: OK. 


(When we go office, we get so much to say to our colleague regarding working situation, personal matter professional talks and many more. here you will get some common talk that we use in office with our colleague.) MANOJ: Hello friends, Good Morning RAJEEV: Good Morning, How are you? MANOJ: Fine, has boss came or what? I got little late due to missed my bus. RAJEEV: Yes he reached early today. MANOJ: Was he asking for me? RAJEEV: Yes he was. He asked me to tell you to meet him once you reached. MANOJ: Oh… alright then, I have to go… see you later, SANJU: Do you have a lot of work?   (to RAJEEV) RAJEEV: Yeah, I am pretty busy. Why? SANJU: Oh. I needed some help on documenting this process because the manager wants it by Friday. RAJEEV: I'll try to free up my schedule but it would be great if you ask Manoj to do this. SANJU: What did you spend all your time on today?   (to MANOJ) MANOJ: Checking the annual report. I discovered several errors in it.


(When we meet with our companion/friends in college or in office we get to do so much of talk. Here are some common talk that we use often)   NITIN: “You’re rohan right?” ROHAN: “Yeah. Nitin right?” NITIN: Yeah. What’s going on? ROHAN: Not much. Just hang out. Do you know what this professor is like? NITIN: I have no idea. This is my first year. ROHAN: You a freshman? Me too… So, where are you from? NITIN: I’m from Dehradun and you? ROHAN: I grew up in this area all my life. NITIN: So you must know where all the fun places to hang out right? ROHAN: Yeah, best place is MG Road; there have a lot of clubs and bar. NITIN: I drove by that area before. I didn’t know it was a college hangs out. (sandeep enter into the conversation suddenly) SANDEEP: Hey Nitin, I didn’t know you were coming to this college. NITIN: Yeah, what a coincidence. It’s good to see you here. SANDEEP: It’s been a while, hasn’t it? NITIN: Meet ROHAN, he is also a fresher. SANDEEP:


(When we go to attend any ceremony we usually talk about the arrangements, decorations and many more. Here you will get to know some of commonly use sentence in wedding ceremony) SANDEEP: Anju we are going to attend my colleague Rohan’s wedding.  He is a Sales manager in private bank. ANJU: Of course… Suman is my School mate. It’s really a perfect match for Rohan and Suman. SANDEEP: Hey, look at the bride….. Doesn’t she look beautiful in that wedding dress? ANJU:  Yes… She looks amazing and the groom is also very romantic. SANDEEP: I just heard the story of how they got engaged. He proposed her during official trip to Bengaluru last year. ANJU: Oh? Wonderful. SANDEEP: Their wedding is absolutely beautiful. I want a wedding like this. ANJU: It’s really beautiful. How much do you think they spend on their wedding? SANDEEP: I think it might’ve cost them a nice chunk of change I mean just look around, it’s really amazing. ANJU: Hmmm…. So do you want a big wedding lik


(Some common sayings are mention below that we use while in public transport or while searching for public transport) JYOTI: Should we take a taxi or a bus to the mall? AMAN: Let’s take a bus. It’s impossible to get a taxi during rush hour. JYOTI: Isn’t that a bus stop over there? AMAN: Yes ... Oh! There’s a bus now. We’ll have to run to catch it. JYOTI: Oh, no! We just missed it . AMAN: No problem. There’ll be another one in 10 minutes. (Inside the bus)                 AMAN: How much is to City mall from MG Road? BUS CONDUCTOR: it’s Rs.35 per person. AMAN: How long will it take to reach there? BUS CONDUCTOR: it’s about 30 minute, depending on traffic.   AMAN: OK…Thank you.


SALESPERSON: Can I help you? ANJU: Yes, I’m looking for a denim jacket — in a size medium. SALESPERSON: Let’s see … here’s a nice black one. What do you think? ANJU: I think I’d rather have it in blue. SALESPERSON: OK … here’s blue, in a medium. Would you like to try it on? ANJU: OK … yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. So h ow much is it? SALESPERSON: It’s on 50% discount offer. It will be Rs.1500, with tax. ANJU: Perfect! I’ll take it.


POSTAL CLERK: What can I do for you? SANJU: I need to mail this package to Delhi, please. POSTAL CLERK: OK, let’s see how much it weighs … it’s about 500 gms. If you send it in Speed post, it will get there in 2 working days or you can send it normal and it will get there by Saturday. SANJU: Saturday is fine. How much will that be? POSTAL CLERK: Rs. 250 . Do you need anything else? SANJU: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. I need a book of stamps, too. POSTAL CLERK: OK, your total comes to Rs.400 NOTE: “What can I do for you” is a formal way of saying what you want from us. “Or you can send in normal” speaker took pause in “or” to express that you have another option too. “Oh Yeah” is to express suddenly she remember something. And it  is followed by “I almost forgot”


RUBY: Hey, NEHA … Look at those desserts! How about baking some cookies today? It’s been long time we haven’t done anything different. What do you say?. NEHA: Hmm … Yeah, that’s a great idea! While we’re here, let’s pick up the ingredients. RUBY: OK, so  what do we need? NEHA : The recipe calls for flour, sugar and butter. Oh, and we also need eggs and chocolate chips. RUBY: Why don’t you get the dairy ingredients? You’ll find those in the refrigerated section in the back of the store. I’ll get the dry ingredients here till. NEHA: Great!... I’ll get it, so let’s meet at the checkout. RUBY : OK. See you there. NOTE: HOW ABOUT is a casual way of suggestion between two friends. “HMMM” it is an expression use to think and then speak. “That’s great idea” is a casual saying that she really want to do this. “Why don’t you” is a way of asking something it can be used as suggestion as well.


ROHIT: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the SBI ATM is? SWETA: Yes, it’s that way. You go three blocks to Central Avenue and then turn right. It’s on the corner, across from the Central Bank. ROHIT: Thanks! I’ve only been in city a few days, so I really don’t know my way around yet. SWETA: Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don’t know where everything is! NOTE: “Could you tell me” is a polite way of “can you tell me”. “It’s that way” in this speaker is pointing a certain direction and emphasize that direction. “I know how you feel” is a way of saying “I understand your situation”


TABLE BOOKING Nitesh: (To Waiter) I booked a table for 2 people for 7 pm. It’s under name of Nitesh Verma, A table for two please. Waiter: Your table isn’t quite ready yet. Would you like to wait in the bar? MENU CARD: Nitesh: (To Waiter), what’s nonveg combo exactly? Is this served with salad? What do you recommend. ORDER FOR FOOD: Waiter: Are you ready to order sir? Can I take your order? Anything to drink? Nitesh: Yes, I will have Non veg combo one plate, I’d like salad with it and can I have roasted chicken. We would like to order grilled chicken. Waiter: (if there are problems with the order, the waiter can say) I don’t think we have any more roasted chicken left. I’ll check with the kitchen. Waiter: I am sorry the roasted chicken have finished. Nitesh: Is there anything you recommend? Waiter: Yes, The chef’s special is very popular. Waiter: Can I help You. Nitesh: Could we have the bill please. Waiter: Of course sir


SURESH: Hi, Jyoti, it’s Suresh. How are you? JYOTI: Oh, hi, Suresh! I was just thinking about you. SURESH: That’s nice. I was wondering if you’d like to go to a movie tonight. JYOTI: Sure, I’d love to! What’s playing? SURESH: I was thinking about that new comedy Lights Out. What do you think? JYOTI: Sounds great! SURESH: OK, I’ll pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at 8:00. JYOTI: See you then. Bye! NOTE: “Hi Jyoti it’s Suresh”, is a casual and friendly way to say hello over telephone.  “I was wondering if you’d like to”, is a polite and indirect way of asking “do you want to?”.  “Sounds great” is an informal way of saying “That is good plan”.” I’ll pick you up” is an informal way of saying “ I’ll come to your house so that we can go together.


FORMAL                            RAJU:    Good morning, Ajit, how are you doing? AJIT Sir: Good morning, Raju. I am doing well.  And you? RAJU:    I’m great, thank you. This is my friend Geeta. She is thinking about applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please? AJIT Sir: Hello, Geeta! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week. Geeta: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ajit. Thank you so much for helping us. AJIT Sir: Mention Not! Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions! NOTE: The Greetings Good Morning/ Good Afternoon/ Good Evening always used at different time of the day in order to greet people. (Good Night is not a greeting it is used when leaving a place or group of people. Mention not/ You are welcome/ Happy to help are formal ways of responding to a thank you. INFORMAL                                           SURESH: Hi, Ramesh!


SELF INTRODUCTION : Introduction is an important part of communication skill and very critical in professional too because People learn about you personally and professionally.   In conversation, when you meet a person for the first time, first thing everyone expects is to introduce yourself and likewise to the other person.  The mode of introduction varies depending on gestures and language one use.   EXAMPLE: (FOR BEGGNERS) Good morning to all. I am Sourav Sharma.  I am from Ranchi.  I am a commerce graduate. I have come for an interview. I did my schooling in Ranchi. I did my graduation through Kolhan University Ranchi. I am hailing from an orthodox family.  My father is Mr. Shivram Sharma. He is a businessman. My mother is Mrs. Kavita Devi. She is a housewife. I have one sister and a brother. They are studying in the school. I have to support my family. I secured proficiency in English. I have the capacity to lead a team at all times. I am doing SAP now. My hobbies are
English is the official language in a large number of countries, though it may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce. Learning English may be challenging and time consuming but it is also very valuable to learn and can create many opportunities.  Most of the content on the internet is in English so knowing English will help us to access to a great amount of information. As we can see world’s top movies, book and music are published and produced in English and therefore by learning English we will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater culture understanding across.